

The very center of this verse jumped out at me this morning as if it were underlined and written in bold print: Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord! Immediately, a slight smile crept to the corners of my lips as three of my favorite words in the Bible filled my heart, and as it always does when I think of those three words or read them in scripture, my heart overflowed and leaked out of my eyes a bit. I want, more than anything, for my Father to hear those words uttered from my mouth. I want, more than anything, for Him to know that serving and glorifying Him is my greatest desire and that my heart is true even when my head tries to get in the way. I want, more than anything, or anyone, and through every circumstance, for my Father to know that my trust in Him is steadfast and sure. If I hear His voice in my spirit calling out to me, I want only these three words to be my emphatic and confident response: HERE I AM!
God is GOOD ~ ALL the time!

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