He Lifts Us Up
What are we to do when we find ourselves stuck in a pit of despair? Wait patiently and CRY OUT TO GOD. What will God do? Everything else. This is tough. We are an instant gratification society accustomed to hyper-speed. We don’t wait well. We are not patient. I am re-reading the Bible this year and just finished Genesis. I love the story of Joseph, the son of Jacob. He is the best example of how to wait patiently. Joseph worked and glorified God regardless of where he found himself, and God used every miry, mucky situation for His good. No matter what you face today, turn to your Father and cry out to Him. Trust in His goodness, trust in His sovereignty, and do everything you can to glorify Him amid your battles…and wait. God will meet you right in the midst of it all.
God is GOOD ~ ALL the time!