

I have heard and read this verse so many times through the years, and yet, something stirred my spirit a little differently today. I don’t know about you, but I get pretty excited when this happens. I might have even had a little happy wiggle! It occurred to me that fighting the good fight of the faith doesn’t necessarily mean you have to battle against all of the evil and pain that exists in the world; Christ has already attained victory over sin and death. Maybe it means you fight for the goodness He brought into the world to overcome pain and evil. For example, doesn’t battling FOR kindness feel differently than battling AGAINST hate? The result might be the same, but the battle feels vastly different; it feels hopeful. The shift in my spirit is subtle, but the impact feels profound. I realized that this is the same perspective I bring to GriefShare, the idea that it isn’t so much about teaching how to grieve as it reminds participants of the importance to fully live their one life!
God is GOOD~ ALL the time!

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